
The University of Minnesota Duluth (UMD) has now joined the Age-Friendly University Global Network as an Age-Friendly University.

Student success is a priority at LSBE. While the main measure of success is graduation, success can also mean different things.  

A fall alumni reunion kicks off scheduled biannual gatherings. 

The past issue of True North, the LSBE newsletter, featured the strong women of LSBE, past and present. 

Johan Lopez-Ortega applies his coursework at an internship that improves the Duluth community

Fourteen participants, seven individuals from China and seven from Vietnam, embarked on a four-week journey to Duluth to partake in the LSBE Summer Institute.

Freshmen and sophomores can also benefit greatly by attending the LSBE Business Career Fair this week. 

Join us for the fall Labovitz School of Business and Economics’ Distinguished Speaker Series featuring Brett Taber, vice president of social impact for the Minnesota Vikings. 

UMD students got a fun lesson on financial investing last spring. 

Grace Slagle, a senior Marketing major, had an incredible summer in New York City as an intern at ICR. She shares her story below. 

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LSBE 219
1318 Kirby Drive
Duluth, MN 55812
United States