Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program

The Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) is available to students in undergraduate studies at the University of Minnesota Duluth. Students may receive financial support on a competitive basis by submitting a UROP proposal. Students work alongside a faculty mentor and have access to support recourse through the UROP coordinator. All proposals are evaluated by selection committees, and awards are granted to the student proposals approved by the committee. 

Upon completion of the research project, UROP recipients present their findings at the annual UMD Undergraduate Research/Artistic Showcase or at an approved LSBE showcase event. 

For more details about the LSBE UROP program click here or contact Monica Haynes, BBER director/UROP coordinator at (218) 726-7895 or [email protected]

UROP Program at a Glance

How to apply for UROP Grant?

When you decide that the UROP program will be a beneficial learning experience as part of your college education, please read the following instructions that outlines the application process

What Does A Fundable UROP Proposal Look Like?

To aid in developing your own research proposal, examples of UROP proposals written by students are available for your review.

Application Deadlines & Submissions

All UMD UROP applications must be submitted electronically through the University of Minnesota Twin Cities website here.

For the most current list of UROP presentation options visit https://ugresearch.umn.edu/presentation-opportunities

Finding A Faculty Mentor

Part of the formal application for a UROP grant is a recommendation from a faculty mentor. These individuals are also good resources in helping to identify viable research topics and act as a sounding board for your ideas, providing feedback and suggestions along the way.