Set expectations with student.
Talk with your student and set clear expectations for your roles in the research project. Discuss timeline, expenses, time commitments, research best practices, special permissions (IRB, IACUC etc.). Remember, this may be the student's first experience participating in a research project.
Discuss budget expenses with student.
Be sure to discuss a specific budget for expenses if items are needed. Through UROP, your student can request up to $300 in expense money. Students must provide an itemized description of the project expenses on their applications.
Provide student with department accounting information.
Your student will need to know your department accountant's name, email, and five digit departmental budget ID number. Your department office manager will have this information.
Assist student with proposal review.
Share tips with your student on how research proposals are typically written in your field. Review the proposal and provide feedback before the student submits their application. Encourage students to utilize the Writers Workshop and research librarian resources.
Mentors may provide guidance, but the student must write the proposal, and if you have more than one student applying, each proposal must be unique.
Students will be applying online.
Click here to review the UROP application requirements. Encourage your students to plan accordingly and utilize their campus resources when preparing their application materials.
Submit your faculty recommendation form online.
You must submit a faculty mentor recommendation form online. You may access the portal via the main UROP website. Select the Learn more tab. Then click the “Apply Now” button. This must be completed or your student will not be eligible for UROP funding. If you are mentoring multiple students, keep in mind that with limited funding, more than some of your students may not be able to receive funding.
Attend symposiums/presentations of your student.
It is expected you will support your student through the entire research process. This includes attending the symposium event when your student presents their research results. UMD offers two undergraduate showcases for students to present their research. There are other alternative options in lieu of the UMD showcases.
Complete and submit required verification forms.
At the end of the project, you must submit a signed Verification of Completion form in order for your student to receive the second stipend payment. These can be e-mailed to the UROP Director at [email protected]. Please include your collegiate UROP Coordinator to the email.
Once the project is complete, don't forget to review the LSBE Incentives to Enhance Student Participation in Research with LSBE Faculty to receive your stipend.
Encourage students to submit their UROP project to the Digital Conservancy.
We encourage all UROP participants to submit their final research project to the Digital Conservancy. This will also help future UROP candidates be able to review past projects.
Remember to close the loop with your collegiate UROP coordinator.
Once you have fulfilled your commitment and your student has completed the UROP requirements, make sure your student notifies the UROP coordinator.