
Local retailers’ clothing is modeled by UMD students to showcase the many nuances of how to wear proper business clothing. 

Sophomore Kiana Stadler started figure skating before it was cool. 

Alumna Alexis Monson '05 discovers a medium with a powerful message.

Senior Ian Deloney finds his calling in LSBE's Marketing and Graphic Design program. 

“Making the News or Faking the News? The State of the First Amendment in 2017” will be presented by Professor Jane E.

The first UM system-wide IonE Sustainability Education Summit – an in-depth, multi-campus discussion on sustainability education that was held in September – brought two LSBE students to the podium

This fall, LSBE launched its newest minor, Sustainable Business and Organization.

The Larsens make up four of the 134-person population of Meadowlands, Minn.

The third annual student run UMD Entrepreneurship Conference brings an array of high caliber speakers along with some break-out workshops and a panel of distinguished entrepreneurs to the UMD Kirby

Allie Hoffman completed a double major with a B.B.A. Marketing and a B.A. Music in 2015. 

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Contact Us

LSBE 219
1318 Kirby Drive
Duluth, MN 55812
United States