
LSBE students Anna Jensen and Rachel Maschhoff presented their research findings to industry and academic professionals.

The business community was able to hear about exceptional studies with real world implications.

Three friends named themselves “BroPeds,” traveled overseas, and used their sales and marketing skills in a most unusual way.

The Financial Peer Mentor Program helps students balance their finances early before it’s too late.

Giant Voices intern goes the extra mile.

Approximately 150 people gathered in Montague 80 on April 2 to hear from Neel Kashkari, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. 

Marketing class to host an Earth Day event, April 22.

Marketing major Mavrik Joos mixes business and adventure fishing on the Kingdom of Tonga.

Ryan Woitalla, Reed Leonidas, Nawal Mirza, Frank Takkinen, and Ryan Kimbrel  have earned a trip to Malaysia. 

Twenty-six. That’s the number of years that LSBE students have benefited from academic advice provided by Tracey Bolen.

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LSBE 219
1318 Kirby Drive
Duluth, MN 55812
United States