From Student to COO in Two Years

Allie Hoffman completed a double major with a B.B.A. Marketing and a B.A. Music in 2015. 

When Allie Hoffman first started at UMD, she knew that business was the right choice for her; however, she never imagined she would end up where she is just two years after graduation. 

Allie moved halfway across the country to Wilmington, N.C. in the fall of 2015 where she joined one of the top inbound marketing agencies. Fast forward one year later to November 2016, she became the agency's Chief Operating Officer. 

Allie was accustomed to a busy schedule prior to entering college, so she was ready to take on classes full-time both in the Labovitz School of Business and Economics and in the School of Fine Arts. Allie started in Organizational Management but soon changed to Management Information Systems (MIS), because she enjoyed the technology aspect of the program. After switching her major, she soon became a leader in the MIS Club, landed an IT internship that summer, and started her job at UMD as a technology program assistant. Read More. 

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