The BBER’s perspective has been frequently sought by media on newsworthy issues that are affecting the regional economy.

Ben Palmquist, one of the BBER’s newest hires, has learned invaluable economic research skills in his first month on the job.

Daniel Ye, BBER intern, describes the concept of the circular economy and explains how businesses can develop a circular and sustainable model for growth.

Nathan Brand, recent UMD graduate and the BBER’s longest serving intern discusses his time at the BBER and how the experience helped him grow professionally.

Thoughtful survey design can help get better, trustworthy results. Here are ten steps to develop an effective survey.

Former intern, Haakan Thorsgard, shares how his experience at the BBER led to a deeper connection with the Duluth area.

This visualization is capable of showing how each industry compares to the total GRP without losing the fluctuations in each industry's graph.

Which of Minnesota's communities might be impacted by the proposed changes? And why does it matter?

Twice a year—in the fall and spring—an LSBE student has presented information on the local economy to a crowd of between 200 and 300 regional business people, government officials

Director's Insight on the Federal Relief Package 

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Contact Us
Bureau of Business and Economic Research

330R and 330T LSBE
1318 Kirby Drive
Duluth, MN 55812
United States