The BBER is often contacted by various media for insight into economic activity in our city, region, state, and sometimes the nation. Our past research and reports are cited frequently. You can access articles and information below.
Monica Haynes, director of BBER and adjunct professor of economics in LSBE, was quoted about U of M economic impact studies (September 2024)
Monica Haynes, director of the Bureau of Business and Economic Research and adjunct professor of economics in LSBE, was interviewed for a story on Duluth’s economic impact. (September 2024)
Kim Nichols Dauner, professor and director of Health Care Management in SCSE and BBER faculty research affiliate, was interviewed about medical debt. (August 2024)
A BBER study was mentioned in a story on a new power grid project. (August 2024)
UMD researchers were mentioned in an article about a new long-range transmission line in Minnesota that is expected to provide around $2 billion in economic benefits throughout the state. (June 2024)
According to a study by the Bureau of Business and Economic Research at the UMD LSBE, Minnesota Power and Great River Energy are planning to build the Northland Reliability Project. It is a 180-mile, double-circuit 345-kV transmission line extending from northern to central Minnesota that will support continued reliable electric service in the state and the Upper Midwest. (June 2024)
Monica Haynes, director of the Bureau of Business and Economic Research and adjunct professor of economics in LSBE, was interviewed for a two-part series on Duluth as a climate refuge city. Part one. Part two. (May 2024)
Monica Haynes, director of BBER and adjunct professor of economics in LSBE, spoke about the wealth gap in Minnesota. Minn Post (April 2024)
A BBER report on the film production industry was mentioned. Duluth News Tribune (January 2024)
Monica Haynes, director of BBER and adjunct professor of economics in LSBE, spoke about the impact of mild winters on the economy. Fox21 (January 2024)
Monica Haynes, director of the Bureau of Business and Economic Research, wrote an opinion piece about the 2024 economic outlook. Duluth News Tribune (December 2023)
Findings from the Bureau of Business and Economic Research at UMD was mentioned in an article about the economic impact of Duluth’s holiday activities. Star Tribune, Mix108 (December 2023)
Research from the Bureau of Business and Economic Research at UMD was mentioned. WDIO (November 2023)
Monica Haynes, director of the Bureau of Business and Economic Research, was quoted in a story about climate migrants. World Nation News (October 2023)
Monica Haynes, director of the Bureau of Business and Economic Research, was quoted in a story about “climate change haven cities.” National Geographic (September 2023)
Monica Haynes, director of the Bureau of Business and Economic Research, was quoted in a story about reimagining the I-35 corridor through Duluth. KBJRNews (August 2023)
A BBER report was referenced in an article that shows TV and film productions created more than 100 jobs and injected $3.2 million into St. Louis County last year. MPRnews (July 2023)
Monica Haynes, Bureau of Business and Economic Research, was interviewed about Duluth and the potential population growth related to climate change. Radio-Canada (June 2023)
Monica Haynes, director of the BBER, was quoted in an article on the viability of shipping grain from the Twin Ports to Morocco for use in animal feed. StarTribune (June 2023)
Monica Haynes, director of the BBER ad adjunct professor of economics at UMD, spoke on the possible economic impact of the recent legalization of recreational marijuana in Minnesota. Northern News Now (May 2023)
Monica Haynes, director of the BBER, was quoted in an article about whether or not Minnesota is business friendly. Duluth News Tribune (April 2023)
A BBER study was referenced in an article about U.S climate migration. Sustainability Times (April 2023)
A BBER study published in August 2022 that found the state was missing out on tax revenue from legal edibles was referenced in an article about a legal pot bill coming up for a vote today. Grand Forks Herald (April 2023)
Monica Haynes, director of the BBER, spoke about the potential impact of the Northern Lights Express railroad. Northern News Now (April 2023)
Monica Haynes, director of the Bureau of Business and Economic Research and adjunct professor of economics at U of M Duluth spoke with Northern News Now about record-breaking spending in Wisconsin's Supreme Court race. Northern News Now (April 2023)
A BBER study on the impacts of mining was mentioned in an article on the industry and uncertainty around copper nickel mining. MinnPost (April 2023)
John Bennett, extension educator with the Center for Community Vitality, was interviewed about a report from BBER on a redesign of I-35 through downtown Duluth providing a boost in the economy. KDAL, WDIO (April 2023)
A BBER study on MN tax revenue possibilities from THC products was referenced in an article about overhauls to a cannabis bill. Pioneer Press (March 2023)
A BBER study on the growth of the film industry in St. Louis County was referenced in articles about movie making in the northland. Star Tribune, Fox21, Duluth News Tribune (March 2023)
Monica Haynes, the Director of the Bureau of Business and Economic Research, was quoted about a recent study on I-35 interchange impacts. Northern News Now (March 2023)
Monica Haynes, director of the Bureau of Business and Economic Research and adjunct professor of economics at U of M Duluth spoke with The National Desk about Walmart’s recent economic report. National Desk, KMTR TV (February 2023)
Monica Haynes, director of BBER and adjunct professor of economics at UMD, talked about measuring inflation with the price of a cheeseburger. Bloomberg Markets: The Close (jump to 1:09) (February 2023)
Monica Haynes, director of BBER and adjunct professor of Economics at UMD was referenced in an article about looking ahead to 2023. Duluth News Tribune (December 2022)
Monica Haynes also authored an opinion piece on her economic outlook for 2023. Duluth News Tribune (December 2022)
Monica Haynes, director of the BBER and adjunct professor of Economics at UMD, was quoted in an opinion piece about the impact of local shopping. The Keene Sentinel (November 2022)
A 2018 BBER study on the Lake Superior and Mississippi Railroad was cited in a Duluth News Tribune article about tourism tax spending (October 2022)
BBER study suggesting cruise ship industry’s significant economic impacts referenced in story about Duluth’s record-setting Great Lakes cruise season. MPR (September 2022)
Monica Haynes, director of the BBER and adjunct professor of Economics at UMD, spoke with WCCO about the recent study on Minnesota missing out on THC tax revenue. CBS (September 2022)
UMD Study shows Minnesota missing out on millions in tax revenue by not taxing THC products. StarTrib, Pioneer Press,(September 2022)
Monica Haynes was quoted on labor market and unions in Duluth News Tribune article Duluth leaders bullish on future of labor movement (September 2022)
A BBER study shows the economic impact of the Enbridge Line 3 replacement project Business Wire, Kare11, Business North, and many more (July 2022)
The Iron Range was gladdened by reports Biden won’t drop tariffs on Chinese steel Minnpost (July 2022)
A BBER study finds UMD contributed $581 million to region’s economy in 2019-2020 Duluth News Tribune, Fox 21 (April 2022)
Twin Ports drivers feel financial pain at pumps. Monica Haynes, director of the Bureau of Business and Economic Research, was interviewed about rising gas prices CBS 3, Fox 21 (March 2022)
Freeway fighter: A vision to replace I-35 in Duluth gains momentum. Monica Haynes, director of the Bureau of Business and Economic Research, interviewed about the Bureau’s upcoming study on the economic impact of converting I-35 Minnesota Public Radio (January 2022)
Monica Haynes, director of the Bureau of Business and Economic Research, wrote “Duluth Economic Experts View: Communities willing to innovate can thrive in 2022” for the Duluth News Tribune (December 2021)
Monica Haynes from UMD's Bureau of Business and Economic Research talks about the benefits of shopping locally this holiday season on PBS 8’s Almanac North. (December 2021)
Climate pioneers flee fire, heat for famously frigid Duluth. Monica Haynes, director of the Bureau of Business and Economic Research, and Christina Welch, a senior food service worker interviewed. Kim Dauner, an associate professor in the Labovitz School of Business and Economics, is mentioned E & E News (November 2021)
Monica Haynes, director of the Bureau of Business and Economic Research, on Almanac North discussing the Bureau’s study on the economic impact of cruise ships docking in Duluth. (October 2021)
Cruise industry could boost UMD’s economy. Fox 21 reported on a >study published by UMD’s Bureau of Business and Economic Research and interviewed director Monica Haynes. The Star Tribune and Duluth News Tribune also covered the report. (October 2021)
Duluth group pitches I-35 removal in Finance & Commerce. Monica Haynes interviewed. (September 2021)