
At the Labovitz School of Business and Economics, Associate Professor Seung Lee prepares Management Information Sciences students for careers in business computing.

It's been said that happiness is achieved when what one thinks, says, and does is in harmony. For alumnus Ray Beier, this has proven to be true.

Understanding the need for and the power of a personal mission statement will be the topic of Humorous Motivational Speaker, Roger Revak's presentation at LSBE's sp

Though the building of the Labovitz School of Business and Economics was built five years ago, we're still extremely proud of it.

Thirty-four years, accreditation, support for area businesses, a new building, student and faculty success. Those who can, change the university...

Five students in the LSBE Financial Markets program participated in the CFA Institute Research Challenge in early February in Minneapolis.

UMD continues to take great strides in institutionalizing equity and diversity as core values, including the second year of the Pre-Doctoral Teaching Fellowships cu

In every discipline, UMD supports undergraduate students who work with a faculty member on research. In fact, UMD pays the student for their efforts.

The Passport to Professional Accounting Program at LSBE has been a proven success tool for accounting majors, and now it's being expanded across all LSBE majors.

Ask Evan Williams where he'll be in ten years and he'll probably laugh.

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LSBE 219
1318 Kirby Drive
Duluth, MN 55812
United States