An Incredible Learning Experience

LSBE's very own Christina McManus is one of WayUp’s Top 100 Interns.


Photo above: Christina McManus (center) with two of her Thomson Reuters colleagues.

Christina McManus, a double major studying Marketing and Healthcare Management in the Labovitz School of Business and Economics, had an incredible opportunity to intern at Thomson Reuters (TR), and through it, she was awarded a spot in WayUp’s Top 100 Interns List.

A Coon Rapids native, Christina was looking for an internship for the summer before her senior year. While researching several different companies, she came across Thomson Reuters (TR) and, “was very impressed with Thomson Reuters and what the company had to offer in terms of their internship program and the company as a whole,” she says.

She was also able to meet a recruiter from TR at the UMD Job Fair. “I had a strong connection with her. Her passion for the company motivated me to apply,” says Christina.

Christina was able to learn so much about the business world during her time at Thomson Reuters in Eagan, Minnesota. “I had the opportunity to collaborate and learn from business professionals daily at my internship,” she explains.

“I also learned how to adapt and work successfully in a corporate environment. This is important moving forward as it increased my communication, teamwork, and project management skills. My overall experience with Thomson Reuters has prepared me for a future career and has given me the chance to practice skills related to my degree that I can implement in a future position.”

Being a student in LSBE prepared her well for her internship. She was able to use what she learned in classes and from her professors and peers, and apply it in a real world setting.

“My business communication course has prepared me to handle a corporate environment and how to professionally speak to coworkers. Also, the majority of the course work done in my IT in Business class was working with Excel and practicing proficiency with Microsoft tools, which was a huge part of my internship. My upper division major courses have also had a huge impact on preparing me for an internship and future full-time position in a corporate environment, such as Thomson Reuters.”

One of WayUp’s Top 100 Interns
Christina was approached by email to apply for WayUp’s Top 100 interns list. The application process was straightforward and included a series of essay questions that detailed the work she has completed during her time at Thomson Reuters. It was an easy process, but answering each essay question took a lot of time.

She felt so accomplished when she found out she got her spot on the list.

“My initial feeling was shock when I found out. Soon after, I felt really proud of myself for achieving this award. The other winners appeared highly successful and were from renowned universities. I was very happy that my internship work was acknowledged on such a high level.”

For students out there planning on applying for internships in the future, Christina has some advice: “Make sure that your resume is up to date and has grabber words that will allow it to stand out among the numerous applications,” she emphasizes.

“I would also suggest signing up for websites such as WayUp or Glassdoor to see daily postings and descriptions of internship openings. These sites allow you to narrow your search to specific companies or strictly based on your skills. I would also advise generating questions on the companies you are interviewing for. Having background knowledge on the company is a great way to stand out in the interview and show that you are passionate about the position as well as the company.”

Christina is thankful for her internship experience.

“My favorite part of working with Thomson Reuters was the constant learning. I was able to participate in numerous meetings and projects that allowed me to learn how the business works beyond my designated internship tasks, and my coworkers were very encouraging and expanded my skills to different areas of the company. By participating in these varying learning opportunities, I had the chance to see what type of position I would really like to obtain after graduation.”

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