Congratulations go out to Management Studies Professor Jon Pierce on his being a finalist for the 2012 Academy of Management's George R. Terry Book Award. Jon co-authored the book, Psychological Ownership and the Organizational Context: Theory, Research and Application, with Management and Organizations Professor Iiro Jussila from Lappeenranta (Finland) University of Technology, School of Business.
The George R. Terry Book Award has been given annually since 1983 by the Academy of Management, the world's largest academic association for those whose research and teaching interests focus on management and organizations. The award is given to the book that is "judged to have made the most outstanding contribution to the advancement of management knowledge," during the past two years. These contributions can be to "management theory, research, or practice."
While the book did not win the award, being nominated is a great privilege and distinction.
"I feel tremendously honored and humbled when I review the names and institutional affiliations of the past winners, as it includes scholars who were on the faculties of such universities as Carnegie Mellon, University of British Columbia, University of California, Berkeley, University of Chicago, University of Michigan, MIT, and Stanford, to name a few," said Jon.
"In addition, I have been extremely fortunate to have worked on psychological ownership, the focus of our book, with a large number of scholars stretching from Finland to North America, to China, and to New Zealand," he added.
Please congratulate Jon, as we celebrate his major accomplishment.