Event Helps Clear up Misconceptions About Careers in Insurance

To raise awareness about viable career options within the insurance industry, LSBE put on an Insurance Career Day.  

LSBE and UMD alumni employee representatives from eight insurance businesses took part in class visits, a career panel followed by networking, and an administrative luncheon and were available at tables in the LSBE atrium, where students could stop and ask questions. 

Ryan Klosterman, who has a double major in Finance and Financial Planning, was able to attend the career panel/networking opportunity and to visit with the industry professionals informally in the Atrium. 

Though he’ll graduate in 2021, the event opened up a career path Klosterman hadn’t even considered but now is pursuing. 

“I never even thought about an insurance career, but after meeting with these industry professionals, I was totally flipped upside down. I really liked how open they were to answering even some of the simplest questions that I had.

“If I wouldn’t have gone to the Insurance Career Day, I might have never even given an insurance career a chance.”

The successful event helped educate students about the insurance industry and provide an opportunity for them to ask questions of insurance professionals.

 “We wanted to help break down barriers to some assumptions that exist about insurance,” said Internship Director Angie Soderberg.

“The employers were happy with the conversations and connections that were made with students,” she added.

“I think the most beneficial aspect of attending Insurance Career Day,” said Klosterman, “was a life lesson about how you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. Generally, most people think insurance is a small aspect of their lives, when in reality, it should be one of the most important things to consider.”

“What I find the most attractive in insurance is the overwhelming consensus on helping people prevent massive losses.”

Even though events like these are meant to help students understand career options and network, they also hold value in other ways.

“I was able to meet with CEO Terry Miller and human resource business partner Mickey Willard of SFM, which is a workers’ compensation firm,” said Klosterman. “Mickey and I had a great conversation about my resume and how to show it off to potential employers. We also discussed how she changed careers midway through her first career!”

A Health Care Career Day will be held this spring in LSBE, and Klosterman offers this advice to his peers.

“Take advantage of these opportunities, even if it is not what you’re planning on doing after graduation. Be open to meeting new people who know a lot more about their profession than any of us do. These events offer a great chance to pick these people’s brains for an hour and to understand what makes them successful in their fields.” 

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