Planning Your Internship

Planning Your Internship Program

There are different ways employers can implement and structure internship programming into their organization. Whether you are a large, mid-size, or small business, the LSBE internship program is here to help you promote your internships. Some of the factors that may influence your structure include:

  • Organizational size & structure
  • Industry type
  • Location
  • Areas of need

Assessing Your Need

Step 1) Identify your need and areas you are hoping to grow.
Step 2) Formalize some specific projects and supervision of the intern.
Step 3) Shape how the program will look. Are you seeking one or multiple interns?
Step 4) Determine your compensation and unique selling points to your internship.
Step 5) Draft your job description that will be used to promote your internship.
Step 6) Consult with LSBE Internship Director to implement your recruitment strategy.

Characteristics of the LSBE Internship Program

  • Typically the length or equivalent of an academic term.
  • Might be part-time or full-time depending on the time of year.
  • Most internships are paid, however some internships. (e.g. non-profit, government) might be unpaid. Experience gained is the most valuable aspect of the program
  • Require a level of supervision and mentorship.
  • Mutually agreed upon between the employer, student, and educational institution.
  • Academic or non-academic. (LSBE offers internship for academic credit)

Benefits of an Internship Program

  • Opportunity to bring in new and diverse talent.
  • Learn about new technologies through your interns.
  • Serves as a recruiting tool and pipeline to future hires.
  • Training opportunities for your current employees through internship supervision.

Internships for Academic Credit

LSBE students can apply for an internship toward their degree requirements. In fact, some of our majors require an internship for their degree completion. For an employer, it is good to be aware of our requirements and your involvement throughout the process. In order to obtain credit, a student must be:

  • A junior or senior declared in their LSBE major.
  • Completed at least two major courses.
  • Approved by the LSBE Internship Director.
  • The hours worked are based upon the number of credits a student registers for. 
  • Employers complete a placement agreement, final evaluation, and provide supervision.

“15 Best Practices for Internship Programs”
National Association of Colleges & Employers

Starting an Internship Program
Published by Michael True

Planning and Designing an Internship Program Handbook
Adapted from Intern Bridge, written by Robert Shindell, Ph.D.

(Adapted from the National Association of Colleges & Employers)
(Starting & Maintaining a Quality Internship Program, by Michael True)